How do I launch my own start-up business?

Image      A startup is a new business that is just getting started. Startups are frequently originally funded by their business-minded founders in an effort to capitalize on creating a good or service they feel there is a market for, according to Investopedia (Investopedia, n.d.). Startups frequently face uncertainty, and their success or failure can be influenced by a number of variables, including market demand, rivalry, finance, and leadership.      Owning your own company may be thrilling and enjoyable! I wanted to establish my own business because I wanted to be my own boss and do things how I wanted to. Yet, I was having trouble deciding what to do first. Developing a strong business idea is the most important stage, I learned after talking to several experts and reading certain publications.      Here are some things I've learned about launching a startup company:      An idea is something fr

Am I destined to become a technopreneur?

    A technopreneur is an entrepreneur who focuses on the design and development of new technology-based goods or services. In 1967, French economist and businessman Jean-Jacques Servan-Schreiber published "The American Challenge," which is where the term "technopreneur" first appeared (Kelley et al., 2015, p. 1). 

    Today, February 23, 2023, our professor posed a query to us. We were asked what characteristics create a good technopreneur. And after he said that, I was perplexed and wondered to myself, "What qualities do I possess that would make me a good entrepreneur or technopreneur?" In addition, I kept asking myself to respond to his question. and after giving it considerable thought, "faith" is the only response that came to mind.

    I'm not sure why faith. Nevertheless, I've come to realize that faith is total confidence in someone or something. And I am fully aware that, despite the fact that I lack the necessary expertise to be a successful technopreneur, I do possess the capacity for faith and trust. And that may be the reason I was able to enroll here at USeP. Furthermore, I firmly believe that this trait is the only weapon I need to win this lifelong war.

Reference: Kelley, D. J., Singer, S., & Herrington, M. (2015). The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor: 2014 Global Report. Global Entrepreneurship Research Association.


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